Approximately 50,000 plus copies will be printed and direct mailed 4 times per year throughout Bureau, LaSalle, Lee and Putnam Counties. Your ads are also posted on the MarketGuide website and Facebook page.
Winter Issue: Dec-Jan-Feb Spring Issue: March-April-May
Summer Issue: June-July-Aug Fall Issue: Sept- Oct-Nov
La Salle, Arlington, Bureau, Cedar Point, Cherry, Compton, Dalzell, Depue, Grand Ridge, Granville, Hennepin, Ladd, La Moille, Lostant, Mc Nabb, Manlius, Mark, Mendota, New Bedford, Oglesby, Ohio, Ottawa, Peru, Princeton, Seatonville, Sheffield, Spring Valley, Standard, Streator, Sublette, Tonica, Troy Grove, Utica, Walnut, Wyanet